facts about tobacco -smoking hazards

The warning about the dangers of nicotine are advertised on the product itself .

Increased susceptibility to heart disease and lung disease made after this habit concept and scientific research into its possible health effects is in its infancy. However, the toxins present

facts about tobacco Also has extensive knowledge of the dangers of smoking. So many people are under the influence of cigarette.

They can be fatal if it facts about tobacco occurs to vital body organs. However, the most common type of cancer compared orally in contact with harmful chemicals in your mouth.

Cancer is another facts about tobacco disease that can happen to you if you smoke.

People who have smoked at some point in their lives have 1 in 10 chance of developing lung cancer. facts about tobacco If you continue to smoke, the risk increases to 1-6.

Lung cancer facts about tobacco is a well known smoking risk. In the United States, 87% of lung cancers are smoking related.

The secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer for non-smokers 20 to 30%.

Due to the ability facts about tobacco of nicotine in narrow blood vessels, smokers have a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke risk.

A smoker is 5 times more likely facts about tobacco to suffer a heart attack. The secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease in nonsmokers 25 to 30%.

Pregnant women who smoke may facts about tobacco suffer an involuntary or cause irreparable damage to the fetus abortion. Children born to mothers who smoke have low birth weight.

facts about tobacco affects the body's sexual organs in men and women. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction, while women develop infertility.

These children facts about tobacco have a higher risk of asthma, respiratory problems and chronic ear infections birthright.

Toxic level of facts about tobacco blood continues to accumulate.

Cigarette smoke facts about tobacco contains many toxic chemicals that damage and affect the organs of the body seriously. Increases the rate of triglycerides in the body.

This reduces oxygen levels in the body and develop associated problems such as shortness of breath, premature wrinkling and skin aging faster. cholesterol and blood pressure increases.

As your body begins to return to normal, you begin to feel healthier and in a couple of weeks, will also begin to notice the benefits. For example:

When you quit smoking, the health benefits begin immediately smoking hazards environmental exposure which is turn dependent on the volume of the room and the.

a known carcinogen. The question that needs to be answered is whether these cancer causing.

After a month - your skin will be clearer, brighter and more hydrated.

After 3-9 months - his breathing improved, and you can not have a cough or wheezing. His lung function can be improved up to 10% smoking hazards.

In several smoking hazards medical studies, 90% smoking hazards of patients with various cardiovascular diseases are smokers or passive smokers .

It is said that two packs containing lethal doses of nicotine. However smokers never receive this dose at a time, is divided into parts, smoking hazards and the mortal remains unnoticed effect.

Smoking is a factor that smoking hazards can trigger a heart attack. Hardening of the arteries due to blood clots can cause heart attacks.

People do not die of nicotine itself, but the diseases resulting from their influence. Smoke cruelty AIDS is near both doors open body of many diseases smoking hazards.

pollution to produce a group of chemical compounds called streamlines. This is of particular concern as this facts about tobacco class of chemical is a known carcinogen. The question that needs to be answered is smoking hazards whether these cancer causing chemicals can be absorbed by people. Dust particles containing these  facts about tobacco chemicals could be inhaled providing one route for direct lung contamination. Developing children are uniquely vulnerable to low level toxins. Their small size means that they are closer to contaminated surfaces. 

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