smoking health risks -The most prominent dangers

smoking health risks Women who smoke are 60 percent more likely to die of heart disease than women who do not. Men who smoke are 30 percent more likely to die of heart disease than men who do not. 

smoking health risks The second health problem caused by smoking is heart disease. 30 percent of deaths from heart disease are caused by smoking. 

smoking health risks When a cigarette is lit, it burns about a hundred degrees Celsius to break the tip and about sixty degrees Celsius center. 

The heat release snuff cigarette harmful substances while smoking cigarettes smoking health risks. 

smoking health risks Some of the most harmful substances known to date include tar cigarettes, which is a compound that causes cancer, nicotine, which is a compound causing dependence and increases the level of cholesterol in the body, and the carbon monoxide is a substance known to decrease the oxygen found in the body smoking health risks . 

smoking health risks Even most of them suffering from lung cancer that interferes with your respiratory system. 

Memory loss is also one of the consequences of smoking hard substance and the victim loses dignity among the family members and the community in general smoking health risks. 

smoking health risks Most people who smoke have worse health than your body may not be able to fight the disease, since your body has many elements of nicotine in the blood, which affects the circulation of blood throughout the body making have painful ulcers. 

smoking health risks It is not only you who is at risk due to consumption of snuff, but those around you too. Inhaling secondhand smoke is known to be just as dangerous, and smoking, therefore, also exposes your family and friends for medical complications arising from the consumption of snuff. For example, cases of children suffering from respiratory problems, in a home where the parents smoke, are quite common. 

smoking health risks Nicotine is the substance that makes smoking a cigarette very addictive and if it is not a carcinogen when mixed with carbon monoxide and other chemicals that can cause heart problems, including high blood pressure and heart rate, which are risk factors for strokes and heart attacks. 

Smoking causes fat to be deposited in the blood vessels, making your blood circulation reduce slows down, cutting off the oxygen supply to your hands and feet smoking health risks. 

You can also exacerbate the effects of diabetes on the body system which can eventually lead to amputation of their members smoking health risks. 

smoking health risks As for the health of infants, some more serious damage against secondhand smoke is damaging the lungs that are smaller than adults. 

Babies have more trouble breathing, which in turn can lead to many health problems in the short term and long term, including: smoking health risks. 

smoking health risks Many studies on carbon monoxide - the poisonous chemical released in the smoke when coal is burned, such as wood, coal or briquettes, has mentioned many bad health effects of coal use wood for cooking food. 

smoking health risks But have you ever wondered how charcoal smoking can damage your health in the long term? This can be a very simple and logical question to ask for most first time buyers deciding on the type of barbecue grill to buy, but only a few are aware of. 

Therefore, smoking health risks it is very important to give this bad habit. Stop this bad habit reduces the risk of disease and improve your health. 

Smoking results in causing smoking health risks ulcer, stroke, mouth and throat cancer, larynx cancer, various heart diseases, lung diseases, bladder and cervical cancer. 

smoking health risks Leave this habit is reflected in the healthy development of your body, reducing the risk of developing diseases, increases their ability to learn and work and reduces by half the risk of dying. 

You will find the following symptoms that might exist for a few days after leaving their smoking malaise, depression stretchiness fails during sleep, restlessness, headache and drowsiness smoking health risks.

smoking health risks Their lives, though short, often a pittance, lung disease, heart disease and other incurable diseases. 

Smoking has become an important discussion because of side effects that advertisements that promote smoking cigarettes or snuff products were banned from television and magazines smoking health risks. 

smoking health risks On average, smoking dangers smokers will live twelve years less than nonsmokers.
smoking dangers The mortality rate among smokers in the U.S. has reached nearly 500,000 deaths per year, and some experts predict that one third of Chinese men will have their shortened due to the complications of life of smokers. 

Smoking dates back to as early as 5000 BC, smoking dangers and once it was presented to 

Smoking smoking dangers has also made countless appearances on other areas of popular culture. Smoking is extremely important in film and literature smoking health risks. 
smoking dangers The most famous movie star smoker was Humphrey Bogart's character smoking and most famous literature was Sherlock Holmes. 

smoking dangers Americans began making appearances in art tables across America and Europe. The figures in the tables simply argue a lit cigarette or smoking in your painting. 

smoking dangers However, smoking health risks it may also include other types of cancer, such as the throat, larynx, mouth, esophagus, kidney, stomach, pancreas, bladder and cervical cancers. COPED (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a progressive than many of those who started smoking in the U.S.S.R., are now facing lung disease. 

Health problems are often the main reasons why people decide to quit. Everyone is aware that smoking (and the general use of smoking dangers snuff) can cause lung substance. 

In addition, blood vessels in the arms and legs of a person can reduce due to cigarette smoking, causing a  smoking dangers blood clot to form - as a result movements. Smokers are twice as likely to die of a heart attack. 

smoking dangers It has been repeatedly shown that smoking directly affects the embryos. It is estimated that 13% of pregnant women smoke. 

smoking dangers The effects of snuff on pregnant women are even more dangerous. 

There is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, smoking, and complications of the placenta, which can be dangerous to the life of the baby and mother. Low birth weight is the most common, as well as complications of premature birth smoking dangers. 

If these women smoked during pregnancy, or at least quit completely, the infant mortality rate was reduced by 10% smoking dangers.

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