smoking kill -Warning


Nicotine also lowers testosterone (male hormone) and other hormone levels in the blood smoking kill.

Nicotine will result in a narrowing of the blood vessels in the smoking kill body. In other words, makes the arteries and blood vessels to narrow and lead to a slow or blocked blood flow, including those responsible for the erection of a man.

And increases the fatty acids in the smoking kill blood, which increases for clogged arteries and further restrict blood flow to the genitals.

This means that the so-called "go" smoking kill is also the risk of a heart attack, if the arteries are blocked people in silence and then a cigarette is enough to cause cardiac arrest.

It has become clear recently that smoking kill the damage caused by smoking (especially those related to the heart) can start immediately, said Dr. Terry Perchance of the CDC.

There are over 7,000 chemicals in smoking kill each puff and as they emerge through his body, causing cellular damage in nearly every organ and every breath you take the smoke enters the body and transforms their chemistry to their stockings and tights , this is how the arteries are blocked smoking kill.

Women who smoke are smoking kill much more difficult to have a baby. This is because smoking directly affects the reproductive system.

If you've been struggling smoking kill for a long time, you should consider quitting because it can be a primary cause.

For men, sperm quality may suffer. smoking kill This means that the millions of sperm, many will be refused and fertilize an egg because they are poorly trained, for example, "two heads".

Other cancers can also be smoking kill caused by smoking, such as cancer of the pancreas, kidney or bladder. All of them can be classified as due to the consumption of snuff deaths.

Based on these facts, deaths smoking kill due to the consumption of snuff are inevitable. Some of the deaths due to the consumption of snuff are lung cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Meanwhile, even people who smoking kill survive smoking can treat a variety of problems such as sexual complications such as erectile dysfunction in men and early menopause in women. Smoking can also aggravate conditions such as lung infections,

Once we completed a package smoking kill where cigarettes are kept in the house. We like to keep enough of them, so we will not fail.

We are rather the health of those affected. We exercise, we love our food and we like nice clean plates. But then, once our food is finished ... light a cigarette. We took one after another.

and should not fall prey to it. If you have not been able to quit smoking till now then you should not wait any longer If you do not kill your burning cigarette today then it will definitely kill you tomorrow.

We carry with us wherever we go. The package is usually beautiful, and usually do not know the opinion of the 'Smoking kill large in the front and back text.

These substances can be found in plants with a bitter taste, which protect from being eaten this way small cell cancer.

With nicotine and caffeine strychnine belong to a small cell cancer group of chemical compounds called alkaloids.

But nevertheless, the man not only ignores the small cell cancer warning signs of these plants, but seeking pleasure ...

The same message on a pack of cigarettes indicating that smoking kill and causes lung disease does not seem to deter small cell cancer many.

The smoke of tobacco kills the healthy and protective cells of your body and destroys the immune system small cell cancer.

Why do people still smoke? Why young people from starting to smoke, even now? Most would say it's a habit they have last minute problems small cell cancer and young people are influenced by their friends and people they admire.

Gradually, the air passage becomes so strong that small cell cancer it becomes difficult to breathe and swallow food. You can also become a source of constant cough can become a chronic cough.

We have heard every excuse in quitting, but small cell cancer unfortunately only crush usually life threatening. Here are some reasons why people say they will quit.

The residue also enters your small cell cancer system through the nose, but the nose of barrier protection, but can not protect you forever.

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